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21 Jun 2017

BSY NONI Black Hair Magic - Formula Anti Uban Pilihan Kita Semua

BSY NONI Black Hair Magic - Formula Anti Uban Pilihan Kita Semua

Including Various Chines medicine essence and herbal nourishing cream such as Noid, wild ginseng, wild ganoderma lucidum and so on, the noni black hair magic took the hair magic took the hair nutrition and healthy experts two yer to develop it. Combined with various fruit gathering essence, amino acid, ZPT, collagen ect. It contains a kind of brand-new and formula that can rapidly turn your hair black. Meanwhile it can dispel the stubborn dandruff, supplement nutrient to the roots of the hair and effectively prevent hair losing, without hair dye and won't turn red, thus become the best product for hairstyling.

Formula Anti Uban BSY Black Hair Magic
BSY Black Hair Magic Formula Anti Uban 

Direction for use : Wet your hair and then wear a pair of gloves, take adequate amount of the product and massage it on your hair for 7-10 minutes. It's better to massage longer on the root of the hair, finally wash it wit cllean water.

And Noni Black Hair Magic is a kind of nutrition shampoo, especially for the one who has gray or yellow hair, If Continually used for three times monthly, it will give you ideal pitch-black hair.

Formula Anti Uban BSY Black Hair Magic
BSY Black Hair Magic Formula Anti Uban 

Noni Black Hair Magic-formula anti uban has two major characteristics : 

  1. Easy to use and time saving.
  2. Scientific formula without chemical composition, thus won't hurt the hair, won't turning red or fade.
Note : The Product is not suitable for allergic person. Therefore, please do an allergy test - massage some on the root of the ear, feel free to use it if no red itches within 24 hours.

USA Federation Trading CO., Ltd. - USA Technology
Address: Room 704, 7/F, Hip Sing Hong Mong Kok Plaz, Hong Kong 
Distributed By : PT BSY International Group Indonesia.

Kegunaan BSY Noni Black Hair Magic Anti Uban : 
  • Mengembalikan kehitaman rambut dalam masa 10-20 menit.
  • Menghilangkan ketombe dengan cepat.
  • Menyuburkan akar rambut.
  • Membantu menumbuhkan rambut baru.
  • Mencegah keguguran/kerontokan rambut.
  • Memberikan asupak maksimal nutrisi/Vitamin pada rambut.
  • Membantu mengatasi masalah stress dan migrain.
  • Mengatasi masalah gatal di kulit kepala.
Cara pemakaian Shampoo BSY Noni Black Hair Magic Formula Anti Uban yang tepat : 
  • Cuci rambut/janggut/kumis dengan shampoo biasa hingga bersih kemudian keringkan sampai pada kondisi lembab (jangan biarkan masih basah atau masih ada air tersisa di kepala)
  • Pastikan rambut tidak berminyak.
  • Pakai Glove (Sarung tangan plastik atau karet) supaya shampoo Bsy Noni Black Hair Magic tidak mengenai sela kuku tangan kita.
  • Tuangkan shampoo BSY Black Hair Magic Formula Anti Uban ke telapak tangan lalu gosoklah agar berbusa.
  • Usapkan busa tersebut sampai merata dengan diselingi pemijatan dengan ringan.
  • Piji perlahan agar meresap ke kulit kepala dan akar rambut.
  • Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dianjurkan menggunakan sisir dikombinasikan dengan tangan untuk merapikan dan meratakan.
  • Lalu diamkan paling tidak selama lebih kurang 10 menit saja.
  • Pakailah beberapa kai dalam seminggu atau menjelang pulang kantor agar tidak mengganggu aktivitas anda.
Min order 1 box isi 20 sachet 
Per sachet isi 40gr 
Ongkos kirim ditanggung Pembeli 
Dikirim dari Kota Yogyakarta.
Berminat ? Hub : 082221955400